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Traditional Medicinals Dandelion Leaf & Root 16 Tea Bags
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Category:Health & Nutrition
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One person's weed is another person's wonder-herb. With a name stemming from the French translation dent-de-lion, literally meaning tooth of a lion, dandelions are easily identified not just by their bright yellow flowers, but also by their long, jagged, tooth-like leaves. Traditionally use to support kidney function by promoting flushing of the kidneys, we love how this blend of dandelion leaf and unroasted dandelion root also helps promote happy and healthy digestion.
Suggested Use:
Pour 8 oz freshly boiled water over 1 tea bag.
Cover cup & Steep for 10-15 minutes.
Squeeze tea bag to ensure maximum goodness in your cup.
Enjoy 3-4 cups per day. Best if drunk daily for up to 2 weeks, followed by a break of 1 week. For Adults Only!
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